Most Popular Leading Better Teams Podcast Episodes (Season 1)
The Leading Better Teams podcast is packed with tips and tools designed to help leaders build happy and high-performing teams. In Season 1, the episodes cover the top concerns leaders face, including managing change, stress, retention, and team conflict.
The three most popular episodes in Season 1 are:
Three Ways to Connect Your Team in 15 Minutes or Less
Episode #1 Description:
Teams that are connected are going to work better together, you’re going to retain them. Also, they’re going to give extra effort towards the team’s goals. While working remotely, many people feel isolated so you as a leader need to do something about it. Leigh Ann shares three clever ways that will definitely help you strengthen connections among your team members. It will not take more than 15 minutes of your and their precious time.
3 Ways To Align Your Team – Goals, Roles & Methods
Episode #4 Description:
When a team is out of alignment, it has the potential to reduce engagement, retention, team productivity, and efficiency. Anytime something changes, a team needs to realign to stay high-performing. In today’s episode, we focus on the three critical areas around which strong leaders align their teams to ensure they are both happy and high-performing. You’ll find out how confusion about goals, roles responsibilities, or methods creates tension and hampers the team. Plus, you’ll walk away with effective methods and processes to get your team aligned. Buckle up for Leigh Ann’s advice to prevent frustration, confusion, and conflict that can occur when team members are not on the same page.
Addressing The Elephant In The Room In 6 Steps
Episode # 2 Description:
Today we talk about how to address unspoken issues that happen in teams and in relationships. Conflict situations can bring up risk, and the reason why conflict creates anxiety for most of us is that we are hardwired to protect ourselves. So what do you do when you or your team does not address the ‘elephant in the room’? Leigh Ann presents six easy steps on how to resolve team issues, and address the elephant in the room the right way.
A close fourth favorite episode is:
How to Overcome Feeling Overwhelmed, Part 1 of 2
Episode #5 Description:
Being stressed out or overwhelmed is a common challenge that we face as humans. Being overwhelmed can even make us sick. But, perhaps our own beliefs and mindsets are the thing that is overwhelming us. Furthermore, in today’s episode, Leigh Ann shares tools on how to recognize and become aware if we are contributing to our own sense of overwhelming. Also, how to adjust our own thinking to support a sense of happiness and balance in life. Get ready for some tough love because awareness about our patterns of thinking is the first step to overcoming overwhelm.
Do you want to listen to more episodes?
You can find the Leading Better Teams podcast in Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Audible, or anywhere else you listen to podcasts.
Please support Leigh Ann and this podcast by subscribing, rating, and sharing it with others. It’s a labor of love and Leigh Ann is inspired to create more episodes when she knows that they are valuable to others.
About the Author: Leigh Ann Rodgers, Founder of Better Teams and the Forward, community, is an IAF Certified Professional Facilitator with 20 years of experience in the human development field. Leigh Ann is a skilled meeting facilitator, trainer, and coach working across the globe to help leaders cultivate teams that are happy and high-performing.
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