People, teams, and organizations all experience various “seasons” in their lifetimes. Each season brings its own joys and challenges. This team building activity to build trust can be done at the individual level, at the team level, or both.
As we transition from season to season, we may experience hope, excitement, or sadness. Ups and downs are a natural part of life for both people and cultures.
The Four Seasons exercise is a team building activity to build trust that will open the door to conversations about how people are viewing the past, present, or future season. Trust is built when people openly share about themselves. This activity can be a quick icebreaker or used as a lead-in to a deeper conversation before doing some strategic planning. Feel free to adapt it to work with your team.
1. Share the slide with the four seasons on it.
2. Ask a provocative question such as:
- Which season represents where you are personally right now? Why?
- Which season represents where you see our team right now? Why?
- Which season is your favorite? Why?
- Which season do you want to be in? Why?
3. After each person has a few minutes to share their response, have a conversation about what to do with this information.
The Four Seasons exercise can build trust among team members. You can use this activity to begin new conversations with your team about how they are viewing the past, present, or future season.
About the Author: Leigh Ann Rodgers, Founder of Better Teams and Forward, is an IAF Certified Professional Facilitator with 20 years of experience in the human development field. Leigh Ann is a skilled meeting facilitator, trainer, and coach working across the globe to help leaders cultivate teams that are happy and high-performing.
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