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GUEST BLOGGER: Jinnie Lee Schmid, Performance Improvement Specialist

One thing I learned early in my consulting career is that “right tech” is more important than “high tech.” In other words, something doesn’t have to be fancy to be effective – and in fact, sometimes simple is best.  Case in point: this super-easy team building activity literally doesn’t cost a thing – no money, no time, no effort. (Jackpot!) You can incorporate it into Casual Friday (yes, that’s still a thing in some organizations), into an existing team building experience (particularly a retreat or outdoor activity) – or, implement it literally overnight simply as a fun break in a rough week. Enjoy and let us know how you like it!

Time: 5-15 minutes

Supplies: None!


1. Giving your team at least 24 hours notice, ask them to bring or wear their favorite T-shirt on the designated day.

  • If warranted, give guidelines about which words and images are acceptable or not

2. Gather your team and ask each person to explain why the T-shirt is their favorite and/or explain the memory behind it.

  • It never hurts to remind people if you want them to watch their language, keep their stories clean, or avoid controversial subjects.
  • You could also give a time limit like 1-2 minutes each if you think necessary.

3. Facilitate and enjoy the discussion that ensues.

What’s your favorite T-shirt, and the story you would tell about it? Tell and show us in the comments!

About the Author:  Jinnie Lee Schmid has focused her entire career on improving employee performance and engagement, applying skills and solutions that include instructional design, facilitation, coaching, talent management, performance management, change management and communications. She is the founder and principal of Change Navigators, LLC which has been in business since 2000. Her home and office are in Northeast Atlanta, GA where she enjoys training her dog [and her husband:-] and doing pet-assisted coaching with families in hospice.

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