WUZZLES to Break the Ice in Your Team Meetings
GUEST BLOGGER: Steve Finkelstein
One way to awaken creativity in your team meetings is to use fun puzzles such as WUZZLES as an icebreaker. Adding a little fun and games can energize your meeting participants.
WUZZLES can be used in team building by creating competition between sub-teams to solve the WUZZLES. It is also effective as a warm-up before creative thinking or brainstorming sessions. Another effective use of WUZZLES, is as an energizing icebreaker at the kick off a session or after a break.
What is a WUZZLE?
WUZZLES are word puzzles consisting of combinations of words, letters, figures, or symbols positioned to create disguised words, phrases, names, places, sayings, etc.
Try to see if you can solve these WUZZLES.
Here are the answers to the WUZZLES from above:
- Just between you and me
- Two under par
- Three degrees below zero
Now, try a few harder WUZZLES. (Answers are at the end of this blog.)
Enjoy playing around with different ways to incorporate WUZZLES in your meetings or training sessions. If you are looking for more puzzles, just run a Google Search or make up your own.
Answer Key
(left to right by row): High Seas; Looking backward; Right under the nose; That’s too bad; Eyes in the back of my head; No one knows
About the Author:
Steve Finkelstein is a Senior Partner with Experience on Demand. As a professional business coach, magician, and facilitator, he helps people see and believe in the possibilities. The old cliché “I’ll believe it when I see it” should be “I’ll see it when I believe it.” When facilitating workshops, he uses a combination of magic effects, creativity puzzles, and games to promote creativity, teamwork, and fun.